For a reasonable fee, vendors with hacker-oriented wares or messages will be able to set up a table and talk with and sell to attendees. All vendors are subject to approval by HOPE staff and must be relevant in some way to the hacker community. If you're interested, email for more details.

Vendors will be collocated with villages, the 2600 Store, and other fun stuff. This is a large open area with tables and chairs, along with enough space for you to bring supplies, displays, etc. There are a few other potential spaces for vendors - let us know what might work best for you.

* Hours. Vendors should staff their areas starting when speaker sessions start (usually around 10am) until 6pm or later in the evening.

* Logistics and requirements. There is power and ubiquitous wifi Internet, tables and chairs. Vendors should plan to bring anything else they need, but ask us if HOPE or St. John's might have other things you need.

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