HOPE has all kinds of space for art and exhibits. If you have an idea for something that you think could fit in, such as futuristic art inspired by the hacker and phreak ethos or works that examine society from a technological angle, etc., email us at artspace@hope.net with details.
* Name of exhibit, artist, etc.
* A brief description
* Space needs. Most exhibitions will be collocated with vendors, the 2600 Store, and other fun stuff. This is a large open area with tables and chairs, along with enough space for you to bring supplies, displays, and whatever else comprises your exhibit. There are a few other potential spaces for exhibitions - let us know what might work best for you.
* Hours. Most exhibitions will be set up at the start of HOPE (or the night before) and operate continously throughout the weekend. You can shut down or put away your exhibition if needed during nighttime hours. Limited storage is available if needed.
* Logistics and requirements. There is power and ubiquitous wifi Internet, tables and chairs. Exhibitors should plan to bring anything else they need, but ask us if HOPE or St. John's might have other things you need.